Your gift to Great Rivers United Way:
- Supports health and human services programs in Buffalo, Crawford, Jackson, La Crosse, Monroe, Vernon, and Trempealeau counties in Wisconsin, and Houston County, Minnesota — we fund programs right here in the Coulee Region!
- Facilitates a community needs assessment that reveals our region’s top needs — we study problems and fund solutions!
- Helps people facing multiple challenges more than a gift to any one agency alone — we know that the issues we face are complex and require a multi-faceted approach!
- Allows us to evaluate the impact and efficiency of our funded programs, so you don’t have to — we funnel your hard-earned dollars to programs that need them the most, including some you have probably never heard of but are doing wonderful work!
- Is community-driven, from start to finish — we recruit volunteers who live and work here to read and rate the grant applications we receive!
- Creates a strong and vibrant non-profit landscape — we provide our partners with more than just money, so we can all thrive!
Great Rivers United Way has been named a Four-Star Charity by Charity Navigator. View our Charity Navigator profile now.