Read to Success

A reading program that pairs third-grade students with adults who care

Designed with the educational needs of third-graders in mind, Read to Success pairs adult volunteers with third-grade students for improved reading scores and so much more. Studies show that children first learn to read, and only then can they read to learn.

Reading is a foundational skill directly tied to future academic and adult success, and third grade is a pivotal time for learning in this area. For this reason, Read to Success tutors make a lifelong impact on a child.

How it works

  • Great Rivers United Way recruits volunteers
  • Participating teachers choose students who would benefit from one-on-one attention
  • Tutors and students get together weekly to read and bond over books

Local impact – Read to Success currently serves:

  • 36 tutors
  • 70 students
  • 12 schools

See our Read to Success PDF for sponsorship levels & benefits

For more information, please contact:
Connor Glassen, Community Engagement Coordinator
608) 796-1400, ext. 107