Community Engagement

Ways to support your community, engage employees, and build teamwork outside of your workplace campaign.

Looking for opportunities to support your community, engage employees, and build teamwork outside of your workplace campaign? Here are four impactful ways Great Rivers United Way can help you reach these goals year round.

In-Kind Donation Drives

Let us help you organize an in-kind donation drive for everyday essentials such as food, diapers, or hygiene items. We also offer a kit-packing program, imPACKs. We can save you time and energy – you sponsor the project and invite your colleagues to pack the kits; then we distribute them to nonprofit partners throughout our service region.

Volunteer Opportunities

We can coordinate a service project for your next team-building event. We’ll work with you to find and schedule a large-group need. Or find local volunteer opportunities at any time on our volunteer website:

Community Impact Tours

Want to see your gift to GRUW in action? Schedule a Community Impact Tour! Your group will visit three partner agencies of your choosing, and you will see and hear firsthand the work they are doing in the community.

Agency Speakers

Great Rivers United Way can arrange a presentation by one of our funded partners, during which you will learn about their programming and what our funding helps them do. Presentations can be in-person or virtual, and 10-30 minutes long.

For more information about any of the above, please contact:

Tim Medinger
Campaign Coordinator
(608) 796-1400, ext. 112
Connor Glassen
Community Engagement Coordinator
(608) 796-1400, ext. 107