Logos & Branding

Logos for web/electronic use (RGB)

United Way lock-up logo in RGB color profile United Way Lock-up (RGB)
Localized Great Rivers United Way lock-up logo in RGB color profile United Way Lock-up Localized (RGB)
Great Rivers United Way 75th Anniversary logo featuring iconography representing bluffs and a river, and the years 1949-2024. Great Rivers United Way 75th Anniversary Logo (RGB)

Logos for print use (CMYK)

United Way lock-up logo in CMYK color profile United Way Lock-up (CMYK)
Localized Great Rivers United Way lock-up logo in CMYK color profile United Way Lock-up Localized (CMYK)
Great Rivers United Way 75th Anniversary logo featuring iconography representing bluffs and a river, and the years 1949-2024. Great Rivers United Way 75th Anniversary Logo (CMYK)

Logos for special use — print only
Always use full-color logo, unless you are constrained to black and white or 1-color printing.

United Way lock-up logo in one-color blue spot color profile United Way Lock-up – one color blue
United Way lock-up logo in one-color black spot color profile United Way Lock-up – black and white

Color Palette

  • Dark Blue
    • Pantone 287
    • C:100 M:74 Y:0 K:0
    • R:0 G:81 B: 145
    • HEX: #005191
  • Light Blue
    • Pantone 659 (or 287C at 52%)
    • C:55 M:40 Y:0 K:0
    • R:83 G:158 B: 208
    • HEX: #539ED0
  • Red
    • Pantone 179
    • C:0 M:85 Y:89 K:0
    • R:255 G:68 B:59
    • HEX: #FF443B
  • Yellow
    • Pantone 143
    • C:0 M:34 Y:86 K:0
    • R:255 G:179 B:81
    • HEX: #FFB351

United Way Worldwide hosts a Partner Resources hub. There are additional logos and partner brand standards available online there. If you have questions, please reach out locally first.

Additional logos and/or high-quality art files (.ai or .eps) suitable for professional printing may be requested from GRUW’s Marketing Director, Adrianne Olson, via email at aolson@gruw.org.