Stabilize household economic situations so people experience thriving lives
  • Improve access to living-wage employment
  • Decrease households in financial crisis
Indicators of Success:
  • Decrease percentage of children receiving free and reduced lunches in school systems
  • Increase households above ALICE Threshold
  • Increase percentage of renters paying 30% or less of income on rent
  • Reduce need for emergency shelter
  • Decrease traffic at local food pantries
Programs supporting
this Objective:
Program Name Agency Current Funding
Building Financial Stability Consumer Credit Counseling Service of La Crosse $7,000.00
Emergency Shelter & Meal Program The Salvation Army of La Crosse County $70,000.00
Families First Families First of Monroe County $35,500.00
Food Pantry WAFER Food Pantry $54,000.00
Home-Delivered Meal Program MobileĀ  Meals of La Crosse $8,000.00
Homeless Prevention & Supportive Housing Couleecap $40,000.00
Homeless Shelter Program Western Dairyland Economic Opportunity Council $20,000.00
Individual Placement & Support (IPS) Program Family & Children’s Center $12,000.00
Ruth House YWCA La Crosse $7,500.00
Senior Stockbox Program Hunger Task Force $5,000.00
Skills Enhancement Program Couleecap $10,500.00
Skills Enhancement Program Western Dairyland Economic Opportunity Council $7,080.00
Work-n-Wheels Western Dairyland Economic Opportunity Council $22,000.00

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