Great Rivers United Way recognizes that structural racism and other forms of oppression have contributed to persistent disparities – disparities that our mission tries to dismantle and address. Great Rivers United Way strives to engage community members, especially those whose voices have traditionally been marginalized. We work with residents and public and private partners to co-create solutions that ensure everyone has the resources, support, opportunities, and networks they need to thrive. We recommit to leveraging all of our assets (convening, strategic investments, awareness building, advocacy) to promote more equitable communities in the seven-county region we serve.

Our hearts are with our sister communities, who are in the same fight across the country and the world. Let us make sure we are focusing on coming together and finding a united voice against these disparities that DO exist. Great Rivers United Way stands against hatred, and works to build a more inclusive and equitable world, starting here in the Coulee Region. Join us today. Make a statement today. This fight did not just begin. Let us lean in, listen, and learn how to make a difference.